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코로나 사회적 거리두기 2 - 영어표현으로 알아보기

by intelligentinvestor 2020. 3. 31.

사회적 거리두기 2 - 영어표현으로 알아보기

사회적 거리두기 개인생활 수칙에 대한 영어표현을 알아보자. 어서 가족 친구들과 편하게 어울리는 날이 오길 바란다.

 *Corona Safety*  ABOUT CORONA VIRSU

There are only ONE thing you need to understand about how a coronavirus spreads.

The Virus spreads when these droplets of a sick person get into your eyes, nose and mouth.

So if you see someone who is visibly coughing or sneezing or sick, you can choose to 

1. Keep your distance. 2m to 0.5m will keep you safe from large droplets.

2. Give them a mask. They can cough/sneeze into it and protect everyone else nearby.

3. And in general, it's a good idea to avoid crowds, because you don't know who might be sick. People who are infected can show no symptoms but are still infectious. What wearing a mask means, maybe someone is not sick, just protecting herself.

4. However, sometimes a sick persons' saliva can get on other things - door nobs, pens, mouse, their hands, digital devices, lift buttons, tissue, cups, stair bannisters, and even on the outside of your face mask.

5. And if you touch any of these things by accident, and then touch your face like rub eyes, your loved ones face, you might all fall sick.

Viruses can last for up to 48 hours on objects, and the only effective way to get rid of them is to wash them off with soap. 

Which is why it is also good to follow these 5 precautions.

1. Wash your hands thoroughly with soap and runny water for at least 20 seconds after touching a suspected contaminated surface. Wash with soap up to your elbow.

What is 'thoroughly'? 

- wash the back of your hands & under nails & between the fingers

- enough time to sing "Happy Birthday" twice

2. Cover your cough with a disposable tissue or use mask and discard them immediately in a water bin. Don't wear the mask for more than a day.

-Bacteria grows on the insides of your mask if you wear them too long

-Also don't tough the outside of the mask if you can.

- if you did, don't worry just wash your hands with soap after

3. Avoid coming into contact with people who are sick or share the personal items, food, utensils cups and towels. Everyone gets their own towel.

4. Avoid touching your eyes, ears and nose.5. Seek medical advice if you are sick before going to a doctor.



