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날씨별 영어표현 (진눈깨비, 체감온도,우박, 일교차,염화칼슘)

by intelligentinvestor 2020. 7. 25.

날씨별 영어표현  

날씨가 어때요?

How's the weather?

What's the weather like?

What's the weather like today?

What's it like out there? 

좋은 날씨

날씨가 좋아요. = It's sunny. = It's a beautiful day. = It's a nice day. = It's shinny.

It's so gorgeous out! 밖에 날씨가 너무 좋다

The weather is so fine 날씨가 너무 괜찮다

It's a perfect day 완벽한 날씨야

it's getting warmer. 날씨가 따듯해지고 있어.

It's warm and sunny outside. 밖이 따듯하고 화창하다.


It snows. 눈이와요.

It hailed yesterday 어제 우박이 내렸어요.

It's freezing (outside)!  너무 추워.

It's freezing to death. 얼어죽겠다.

It's a bit nippy. 쌀쌀해.

It's chilly (outside) 쌀쌀해.

It's brisk. 많이 춥지는않고 상쾌한 정도

It's getting colder. 날씨가 추워진다.

My hands/feet/nose/ears are freezing. (너무 추워서) 내 손이/발이/코가/귀가 얼었어.

There's sleet and snow.  진눈개비랑 눈이 내려요.

There's sleet and hail. 진눈개비랑 우박이 내려요.

We'd better get de-icing salt. 염화칼슘을 챙기는게 좋겠다.



어그 클래식 울트라미니 플랫폼 여성 양털부츠 2종




It's really hot. 정말덥다. =it's extremely/super hot. = it's boiling hot.     *boiling  끓는듯한 더운

It's hotter than hell. 지옥보다 뜨거워.

It's scorching hot.   타는듯이 더워. *scorching 태울듯한 더운

It's stifling. 더워서 숨막혀.

it's balmy. 따뜻해.

It's muggy. 습해서 끈적거려.

It's hot and humid. 고온다습해.

Let's put some sunblock before we go out. 외출전에 자외선 차단제를 바르자.

it is really hard to fall into a deep sleep. 더우면 잠자기가 너무 힘들어


* 더위를 어떻게 이기니?

How do you put up with this summer heat?

how do you stand this summer?  (어떻게 견디니?)

How are you coping with this hot weather?



아침 저녁으로 날씨가 왔다갔다해. 아침엔 추웠다 낮에는 더웠다해. 아침저녁 일교차가 커.

The weather goes back and forth between hot and cold.

환절기에 감기 걸리지 않도록 조심해

Be careful not to catch a cold with the change in seasons.

비오는 날

It rains. 비가와요.

It's been raining the whole day. 하루종일 비가와요

It drizzels. = It's drizzling outside. = It's just drizzling. 가랑비가와요.

It's raning cats and dogs. 비가 억수로 내린다

It's really pouring. 비가 쏟어지네요

It's cloudy. = It's muggy. = It's foggy.(안개가껴서) 흐리다. = 날씨가 흐리다

비가 올것같아 = It looks like rain. (= it looks like snow/a storm ) = It's going to rain soon. = It's likely to rain soon.

We'd better get an umbrella 우산 챙기는게 좋겠어.

There's a storm coming. (태풍 typhoon)폭풍이 오고있어

폭우가 내린다. = It's raining very heavily. = It's pouring outside. = There's heavy rain outside.

There's a (thunderstorm 천둥 번개치는 비 / rainstorm 폭풍우/ flood 홍수 / 소나기 shower).



코치 수동우산 C4322 SVBDX 미국직배송



바람부는 날

it's windy. 바람이 불어. = It's blustery. 바람이 많이불어. (거센 바람) = It's gusty. 돌풍이 불어.

It's cool. 시원하다.


온도 & 체감온도

The actual temperature is 30 degrees. (celsius) but it feels like 36(degrees).  실제 온도는 섭씨 30도인데 체감온도는 36도야.

습도 때문에 28도인데 33도처럼 느껴져

Due to humidity, it's 28 degrees but it feels like 33.

일기예보에서 7도 라고 했는데 체감온도는 영하야.

The weather reporter(the newscaster) said that it's 8 degrees but it feels minus.

한파로인해 실제보다 더 춥게 느껴져

We have windchill factor and it feels colder than it actually is.


시간에 따른 표현  (과거, 현재, 현재완료, 미래시제 사용시)

1. 과거

It was sunny. 날씨가 좋았었어.

It rained yesterday. 어제 비가 왔었어.

2. 현재

It rains. 비가 온다.

3. 미래

It will be rain tomorrow. 내일 비가 올거에요.

4. 현재완료

It has been rained. (지금은 오전인데 새벽부터 비가왔을때) 비가 계속 오고있네

It has been sunny/cloudy all morning. 아침 내내 맑네 / 흐리네

It has been raining all morning. 아침 내내 비가오네 (지금포함)



스타벅스 캐러멜향 라테 원두커피믹스 460g






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